my journey
My journey for adventure and running started in January 2013 when I entered and ended up winning a competition at work to take part in the Kalahari Augrabies Extreme Marathon. The KAEM is a self-supported, 250 km multi-stage race in the Kalahari desert. To win the competition I had to raise £2,000 for Hope and Homes for Children and run the London Marathon to prove I was fit enough. That October, I ran the KAEM and finished it as the youngest girl ever at just 22. Since then, I have been addicted to traveling to new places around the world and taking part in races and adventures.
I run and take on huge challenges to push my body to undiscovered limits, test and challenge myself, learn new things about myself and the rest of the world and to meet new friends and like minded people that share the same passion as me.
I am writing this blog to share all of my experiences with others and hopefully inspire other people to get up and get out more often... because life is too short not to!
“The obsession with running is really an obsession with the potential for more and more life.”